
Hello and welcome to my visual sketchbook: to log all the art ventures I immerse myself in. Snippets of my work can be found on here along with classes I teach, exhibitions I am inspired by and anything that generally makes me smile.

Please beware I am not the best and 'once in a blue moons' are plentiful here. Have fun looking and feel free to drop me a line with your comments. You can if you so wish follow me on Facebook Angela Lai Yen - Printmaker and Textile Artist.

Bye for now.

29 March, 2012

A finished quilt.....

I know I said I would slow down with the sewing and concentrate more on my prints but look look look, I've just today finished my first of two quilts.........a bit later than planned but oh well. The last few days I've been very disciplined, even with the sun shining (I was happy just to know its there).

I will say patchwork quilting is no easy task- thank goddness for safety pins, it also takes a lot longer than expected but I'm hooked. I loved matching up colours and putting the fabrics together, and wrapping yourself in your quilt afterwards is just bliss. I must admit I'm quite pleased with it and I will be sad to hand it over.

Now on for finishing quilt two........

28 March, 2012

Look at the Sunshine....

Well the last couple of days have been lovely and sunny, just look at all those blossom trees about - makes me smile every time. Heres a stitched tree for you inspired by some drawings I did awhile ago. At some point I would like to create a lifesize stitch piece of tree, that way I can give detail to the leaves....it may happen.

With the sunny weather Im going back to basics and going to try and do lots of drawings (inbetween sewing, teaching classes and other adventures that is) which will hopefully inspire some new prints.....I miss the print studio and plan to be back in there with avengence.

18 March, 2012

A day at the Barn......

Here's a little piece I made ready to show for Spring in the Barn, and just in time for Mother's Day too. I normally shy away from hand-sewing but I really enjoyed making this piece, I love vintage buttons and at the moment I'm happy playing with text. If you can think of any interesting phrases let me know, and I may just sew a little.

This piece demonstrates that I'm not much of a neat sewer but thats just me.

I had a lovely day at the Barn surrounded by masses of bunting, indulging in butternut squash soup and meet lots of interesting and very talented people. Have a look at Julia Davey - lovely ceramic pieces with delicate drawings, I'm very much a fan. http://juliadavey.com/