
Hello and welcome to my visual sketchbook: to log all the art ventures I immerse myself in. Snippets of my work can be found on here along with classes I teach, exhibitions I am inspired by and anything that generally makes me smile.

Please beware I am not the best and 'once in a blue moons' are plentiful here. Have fun looking and feel free to drop me a line with your comments. You can if you so wish follow me on Facebook Angela Lai Yen - Printmaker and Textile Artist.

Bye for now.

15 August, 2013

Getting familiar with my alphabet

Well well what can I say - I just not very good at this blogging-thingy-ma-jig but do I get Browny points for trying?! If you ever wanted more of a day to day update of the adventures I get up to, do follow my facebook page: Angela Lai Yen - Printmaker & Textile Artist.

I'm a lot more together on there as I rarely get time to sit and type - I'm more or unless on the sewing machine ( however the sewing machine has gone on his holiday so I'm only sewing little at the moment), in the print studio making friends with the press or teaching classes in Millie Moon and making friends with real people. I also have the occasional giveaway on my facebook page - so do come visit from time to time and say a hi.

So currently I am taking a little break (only a little one) from my sewing and I am concentrating more on my prints. I am drawing patterned letter designs, transferring them onto lino (reminding myself designs need to be backwards - I have already failed once.......or twice oops!) cutting the lino letters and finally printing them in various colours with oil based inks on a pinch press, all so I can get familiar with my alphabet. I've always been a fan of letters, text, and words (when I went into my Art Foundation Course I was sure I would come out deciding on a career in graphics - a bit of useless info about me, and as usual I am getting side tracked.)
I have had this idea of patterned letter prints before Christmas (or possibly longer) I've been aching to create them and for the last few months (amongst other work) I've been cracking on. Its become a bit of a mammoth challenge but I'm really enjoying it and although I haven't cut/printed the whole alphabet yet - it will come. I'm nearly there and I know once I have printed them all, I'm going to be a little sad.

At the moment its all just lower case.......mmmmm so maybe upper case next and some more decorative ones!! Anything to expand this range I am enjoying so much. I will keep you posted.

All prints are approx A4 in size, do get in touch if you would like one of them in your life.

Bye for now until next time - which will probably Christmas time knowing me.