
Hello and welcome to my visual sketchbook: to log all the art ventures I immerse myself in. Snippets of my work can be found on here along with classes I teach, exhibitions I am inspired by and anything that generally makes me smile.

Please beware I am not the best and 'once in a blue moons' are plentiful here. Have fun looking and feel free to drop me a line with your comments. You can if you so wish follow me on Facebook Angela Lai Yen - Printmaker and Textile Artist.

Bye for now.

28 August, 2011

New Studio

In my last post I wrote about a new and exciting adventure on the horizon, well that comes in the form of a new studio space. This new studio space happens to be part studio and part selling unit and is situated in the Black Swan Arts Centre, Frome www.blackswan.org.uk . I am a mixture of nerves, as I'm normally quite shy about my work and excitement for a space I can create to my hearts content. I hope to open the space mid September so do feel free to come for a natter and a nosey.

In the meantime heres some pics of the space I have been transforming, slowly but surely its coming along. Today I was in there painting again and I'm beginning to feel somewhat like the karate kid - retro styley!

13 August, 2011

Monoprint Class

Again its been a while, I do apologise. I don't know where to begin as theres been art-a-plenty. A couple to mention: I took a dress making class at Millie Moon Haberdashery www.milliemoonshop.co.uk and created a lovely 50's inspired dress with flamingo patterned fabric. I would love to make make make and especially with the stunning fabric at Millie Moon it would be easy to have a wardrobe full. I also had an eventful rainy day with my stall at Frome Art Carboot - the rain came tumbling down and then the wind decided to join in and our gazebo just took off and crumpled on us. Poor thing. I also have an exciting adventure heading this way in the near near future - I will try my very best to keep you informed. Watch this space.
Firstly though I am teaching a Monoprint class at Bath Artist Printmakers in Larkhall, Bath. If you fancy get messy and inspired then feel free to drop me a line at laiyen83@hotmail.com . Details are below, thanks.

Textural Monoprinting
Two Tues Evenings
20th & 27th September 6-8.30pm

Cost: £50 including all materials

A playful monoprint workshop where you will produce spontaneous instant prints. You will experiment with layering, simple stencils, texture and colour. Come with an open mind and creative fingers.

Bath Artist Printmakers
Creative House
3b Upper Lambridge Street
Larkhall Bath BA1 6RY
01225 446136